Sunday 06 August 2023

Bible Book:

Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. (v. 19)

Matthew 14:13-21 Sunday 6 August 2023

Psalm 145


The story of the feeding of the 5000 is the only miracle story (outside the Easter story) that appears in all four gospels and is one of those stories that is well known inside and outside the Church. Often, when we read this passage, our thoughts are so easily drawn to the obvious that we can frequently overlook other things that are going on in the story; away from the obvious miracle, this passage is one about resources.

Matthew tells us that the disciples are concerned for the wellbeing of the crowd, and this concern is a real credit to them, however, when Jesus tells them that there is no need for the crowd to disperse the disciples are quick to point out that they do not have the right resources to feed so many people. It is easy for us, who have the gift of hindsight, to realise that they did have the correct resource with them, and that quickly becomes clear when Jesus blesses and breaks the bread.

Recently in church meetings I have been encouraged by how keen people are to see change, but this is quickly tempered by the almost unanimous cry of, ‘we don’t have the right resources’, and by this they mean they are all getting old and can no longer do the things they once did. Of course, they are correct, in the same way that the disciples were correct about five loaves and two fish not being enough to feed over 5000 hungry people. What we need to remember is if we are prepared to fully trust in Christ then we always have the right resource with us. 

Recently one of the churches for which I have oversight, took the brave step to stop making the lack of human resources an excuse and to trust in the Holy Spirit as a resource, they went on to complete the 'Everyone an Evangelist' course and successfully ran a day of outreach and mission in their community, this was more successful than they ever imagined it would be. Through time in prayer, they each found that they were resourced to do something, and most of the time it was different from what they would have done 20 years ago but was equally as effective.

To Ponder:

  • I recently read somewhere that ‘God is not intimidated by the size of our problem’. Do we limit the size of the problems that we take to God in prayer?
  • How often do you rely on yourself instead of using the heavenly resource? Which resource works out better for you?
  • When do you get stuck looking at the obvious and miss seeing or hearing other messages? What might God be saying to you or showing you if you were to look away from the distracting obvious image?

PrayerProvider God, help us to trust in your provision for us, help us to remember the gift of the Holy Spirit that you have left with us to resource our work for you. Amen.

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