Sunday 10 September 2023

Bible Book:

'Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.' (v. 18)

Matthew 18:15-20 Sunday 10 September 2023


In this passage Jesus offers practical advice on what a person should do in a situation in which someone not only sins against you but also refuses to accept he or she has acted wrongly. In this context the word ‘brother’ can be applied to anyone because we are all children of the one God. It’s worth reflecting on Jesus’ practical guidance on conflict resolution.

To those listening to Jesus, his talk of binding and loosing would have conjured up the image of a religious judicial court in which a person was either convicted or acquitted of a sin. In effect, Jesus said he was delegating to his followers the authority to make such decisions. Verse 18 is often quoted to justify the authority of Papal decisions, but many commentators apply the words to any group of Christians who are seeking to encourage righteous living. Verse 19 can be taken to mean that the size of the group does not matter. The key factor is whether the group make their judgment relying on God’s guidance. Jesus says his presence will be found whenever a few people gather and seek that guidance, provided they are motivated solely by a desire to do what God wants.

And what of those found guilty? Jesus suggests that a continued refusal to recognise sinfulness ultimately leads to a person placing themselves outside the family of believers, but later in this chapter Jesus makes clear that this exclusion does not rule out the possibility of forgiveness when people genuinely repent. Forgiveness has to be repeatedly, endlessly offered in the same way as God offers his forgiveness to us for our many sins. In the words of the South African leader Desmond Tutu: "Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning".


To Ponder:

  • What is your experience of dealing with someone who has sinned against you?
  • How can you assess whether those who claim to be guided by God actually are?
  • How do you relate the advice given in this passage to Jesus’ command that we should not judge others – only ourselves?


Father, I pray that I may seek to resolve disputes in the best way possible. Help me always to recall that I am not expected to judge others, only myself. May I always be prepared to offer forgiveness and a new beginning. Amen.

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