Sunday 18 February 2024

Bible Book:

And a voice came from heaven, 'You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.' (v. 11)

Mark 1:9-15 Sunday 18 February 2024

Psalm 25:1-10


Today is the Universal Day of Prayer for Students. It has been celebrated since 1878 and is one of the oldest ecumenical days of prayer in the liturgical calendar. As a university chaplain, I appreciate the Church praying for the students I work with as they navigate this foundational time in their lives. 

 In today’s reading, Mark’s Gospel moves quickly through three major milestones in Jesus’ life. Within the space of six weeks, Jesus finds himself baptised (with the wonderful reassurance of God his parent saying “you are my Son, the Beloved, with you I am well pleased” (v.11); thrown into the temptation of the wilderness where we are told that the angels waited on him (v. 13); and at the start of three years of ministry declaring the good news of the kingdom of God (v. 15).

I can’t help but see how these milestones mirror the events in the life of a student, as they leave their proud parents to begin university; are thrown into a completely new wilderness, with the temptations that come with their new-found freedom, and angels – such as chaplains! –who are there to help them; and begin their own (often three years) of study as they start learning at university. 

For Jesus, his baptism is an amazing sign of confirmation at the very start of his ministry. He comes from Nazareth to be baptised and receives this fantastic vision of the Holy Spirit as a dove, descending upon him with words of such great affirmation from the Father (God). It is a Trinitarian seal of approval that sends the Son (Jesus) from the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit. And it is the Holy Spirit that ‘drives’ him out into the wilderness, where although he was tempted, angels waited upon him; in preparation for the mission that he was called to do, “proclaiming the good news of God” (v. 15).

 To Ponder:

  • Do you remember a moment in your life when you felt a sense of affirmation and confirmation of God’s presence with you? Has that moment sustained you through ‘wilderness’ (hard) times?
  • Do you know a student who you can encourage personally? Perhaps you could send them an encouraging message?
  • Not all young people are students, but many are. I invite you to spend some time exploring the children, youth, and family ministry and the chaplaincy sections of the Methodist Church website and take some time to pray for students and chaplains in higher education today. 


Parent God, you affirm us as one of your beloved children, help us to hear your voice in our lives.
Beloved Jesus, you show us the good news of God, 
help us to follow you, to repent and believe in you.
Driving Spirit, you empower us to do what God calls us to do, help us to share the good news that the kingdom of God is near. Amen. 


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