Sunday 22 February 2015

Bible Book:

“And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness.” (v. 12)

Mark 1:9-15 Sunday 22 February 2015

Psalm: Psalm 25


In Christian history, Lent has been for some believers the laststep of preparation for Baptism and a time of wrestling with thedemands of following Jesus. In this passage from the Gospel ofMark, the theme of preparation runs through these three key events:the Baptism, temptation and beginning of the ministry of Jesus.

In the few words describing Jesus' Baptism, the writer of theGospel makes two things clear: that Jesus is the Son of God (verse11); and that the Holy Spirit comes in a new manner upon him (verse10). Who Jesus is will profoundly shape the way in which he liveshis life and, in order to do the work of the Father, even the Sonof God is dependent on the power and presence of the HolySpirit.

Yet, we are told that the Spirit "immediately drove him out intothe wilderness". Far from offering some protection from the trialsand hardships of the world, the presence of the Spirit heightensthe need to engage in spiritual discernment and work through thetough challenges of doing God's work. Following Jesus demands thatwe pay attention to our spiritual preparation and that we wrestlewith the choices and temptations we face.

Those called to follow Jesus are promised the presence of theHoly Spirit, and yet many have experienced this sense of beingdriven into the wilderness, or a time of intense testing, whichbecomes a time of preparation for all the challenges that doingGod's work may bring. Jesus emerges from this time of testing"proclaiming the good news of God" (v. 14). Good news for all!

To Ponder

  • In what ways might Lent be, for you, a time of preparation forthe work God calls you to?
  • What particular challenges are you wrestling with atpresent?
  • What helps you in your spiritual discernment?

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