Thursday 05 November 2020

Bible Book:

Abraham went early in the morning to the place where he had stood before the LORD. (v.27)

Genesis 19:15-29 Thursday 5 November 2020

Psalm 17:1-8


Today's passage does not include the disturbing relational/sexual dynamics between Lot and his daughters (both abusers of each other) (Genesis 19:1-14), indicating that they had issues similar to those from whom they had escaped. Both incidents highlight the human interactions of Scripture as if (we hope) it was written to show what should not happen, though we may sometimes find it difficult to challenge the immoral situations that we read about. Scripture very much opens itself to be judged, and if we are not judging it then we are not reading it.

The fact that Lot's family do not escape into the mountains provides the opportunity for Lot's wife to be close enough, even while in the protected town of Zoar, to be caught up in the divine judgement. Or is this more gender violence in what is, at least in part, a misogynistic story? In any case, this is a story of salvation with no joy in it for any of the participants. We can only imagine what Abraham is thinking as he observes the aftermath of the destruction of the two towns.

To Ponder:

  • What is your view about the abusive behaviour of key biblical characters?
  • How do you react to misogyny in Scripture?

First published in 2017.

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