Thursday 17 August 2023

Bible Book:

Father, glorify your name.’ Then a voice came from heaven, ‘I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.’ (v. 28)

John 12:27-36a Thursday 17 August 2023


There is an extraordinary exchange here between Jesus and God – his father. In the other gospels, God’s voice is heard in absolute affirmation of Jesus at his baptism and transfiguration. Neither of these is described in John’s Gospel, nor is the agony of Jesus in Gethsemane, when he asks God if he might be spared the coming suffering and then accepts what is to come.

In this exchange, John strikingly combines elements of all three. There is Jesus’ struggle: "Now is my soul troubled", and the possibility of his being spared, "And what should I say – 'Father, save me from this hour'?"(v. 27). There is willing acceptance: ‘“No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour.  Father, glorify your name”’ (vs 27b-28a). Finally there is affirmation by God: "Then a voice came from heaven, 'I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again”’ (v. 28b).

This distillation by John offers a framework for understanding the death of Jesus: it takes us to the heart of who God is. The name of God, ie, the most comprehensive way of indicating the reality, character and mystery of God, is glorified because of ‘this hour’, central to which is the death of Jesus.

This is the last time Jesus speaks publicly in John’s Gospel, and the remaining verses turn on the notion of judgement (krisis), and the urgency of decision: for Jesus or against him. The text recalls the recurring theme in John's Gospel of light and dark, and calls people to walk in and believe in the light (vs 35-36), ie to trust and follow Jesus. 

But the urgency does not suggest a fundamental dualism, as though the final outcome could be in doubt. There is no suggestion of darkness overcoming the light or of a final victory for ‘the ruler of this world’. The ‘ruler of this world will be driven out’ (v. 31b) and in his death, Jesus will ‘draw all people’ to himself (v. 32b).  The urgency for the reader has to do with that ‘believing’ and ‘walking’: where they place their ultimate trust, and how that shapes the way they live.

To Ponder:

  • Does Jesus’ death take us to the heart of who God is? How?
  • How do you understand Jesus’ words that his death will draw all people to him?
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