Tuesday 27 December 2022

Bible Book:

] remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me!' (v. 22)

John 21: 19b–25 Tuesday 27 December 2022

Psalm 117


We are reading this passage today, which is a resurrection appearance of Jesus, because during Christmas, we celebrate God with us.

Earlier in John 21 we read that the disciples, in grief after the crucifixion, have gone back to their old occupation of fishing. The risen Jesus meets them on the seashore and calls to them to cast their nets again and they catch an abundance of fish. The story affirms God is still with them in their desolation but is to be experienced in a new way. Jesus cooks the disciples’ breakfast on a charcoal fire. Afterwards, an important conversation takes place between Jesus and Peter in which Jesus three times asks Peter if he loves him. With the three affirmations to heal Peter’s guilt, Jesus commissions Peter to be a shepherd of his sheep.

He asks Peter to follow him and indicates that Peter will be martyred like Jesus has been. (21:18-19)

In today’s passage, we learn that the 'disciple whom Jesus loved' (John) is following close behind, maybe listening to this conversation. We might wonder why this is: was there some rivalry between the two disciples? Peter asks Jesus if John will also share the same fate of martyrdom but Jesus suggests John will not. He rebuffs Peter’s line of inquiry, telling him that it is none of his business. A rumour developed in the Early Church that Jesus would return before John died. 

The last few verses of John’s Gospel seem to be a postscript explaining that Jesus’ words have been misunderstood. Jesus may have foretold that John would not die the death of a martyr, but he did not say that he would not die a natural death.

Today’s account suggests that we all have a personal invitation to follow Jesus. We are all different, live in different contexts, with different gifts and resources, so our paths and challenges will be different. Sometimes we are tempted to look over our shoulder and feel jealous and envious that others seem to have an easier or more glorious path than ourselves.


To Ponder:

    • Jealousy, envy, resentment are toxic emotions and block the flow of God’s love in our lives. How have you learnt to become aware of them and how do you deal with them?
    • Why do you think that Jesus was sharp with Peter, even at the same time as graciously forgiving his weakness?
    • Are you tempted to ask Jesus for discipleship on your own terms and how do you deal with 'being asked to go where you do not want to go'?


Loving God, help us to say ‘yes’ to our particular calling, aware of your sustaining presence in its joys and challenges. Amen.

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