Wednesday 16 July 2008

Bible Book:

"When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet ... go and sit down at the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he may say to you, 'Friend, move up higher'; then you will be honoured in the presence of all who sit at the table with you. For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." (v.8-11)

Luke 14:7-11 Wednesday 16 July 2008


One sabbath day, Jesus is invited to a sophisticated meal atwhich teachers of the Law will discuss weighty matters. His mannersaren't good. First, knowing it will offend his host, he heals asick man - effectively working on the Sabbath. It could have waiteduntil the following day (verses 1-6).

Then, seeing them vying for seats at the high table, he givesadvice on how to behave at a formal meal. There is nothingexceptional about it. The same advice could be found in otherplaces - it was common etiquette. But he doesn't stop here (whichwas rude enough) but adds words about "exalting" and"humbling".

Afterwards he goes on to tell his host not to invite his friendsfor dinner, because they'll just ask you back. Ask "the poor, thecrippled, the lame" instead, he suggests (verses12-14).

Jesus' rudeness is because he and his host disagree about whatmakes a person blessed. Will you be blessed by "keeping theSabbath" or by bringing liberty, joy and staggering amazement to asick man? Will you be blessed by pushing yourself forward to theplace of honour or by allowing others to take precedence andwaiting for God to find you a place? Will you be blessed by mixingwith people like you - the nice, normal people who will reinforceyour own sense of what is proper - or by mixing with those whochallenge all sense of propriety?

Those who set themselves up as too important to deal with the poorwill be humbled, but God will smile on those who aren't worried bythe company they keep, by polite convention and concerns oversocial standing.

To Ponder

Who do you normally mix with? Do you ever try toconnect with people who are different from yourself?

What kind of blessings might come from followingJesus' advice?

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