Monday 18 May 2020

Bible Book:

and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. (Psalm 40:2)

Acts 13:1-12 Monday 18 May 2020

Psalm: Psalm 40:1-10


I am writing this reflection towards the end of the second week of the 2020 coronavirus lockdown in the UK. This is a challenging time for our nation and the world, a time of massive upheaval in what normal life looks like for us all. Priorities have changed immensely whether that be in the home, with family, in work or in being or knowing one or may of the amazing key workers. Our social interaction has changed overnight to the majority of the population being at home for the foreseeable future, interacting only by phone or online and to only leave home for necessary shopping or exercise. Keeping ourselves up to date with the news or how these changes to life are 'flattening the curve’ and the numbers of lives lost becoming more incomprehensible each day.

The psalmist in Psalm 40 describes a desolate pit and miry bog that could easily be likened to our current situation in the UK, a time of separation from personal interaction with friends and family, a trauma and grief that we are currently experiencing as a nation whilst life and sometimes work ploughs on. However, as the psalmist recognises, there's a step change in setting our feet upon the rock and making our steps secure in our trust in God and the amazing humanity he created, and this will put a new song in our mouths. A song that in my mind that has been expressed, through the medium of clapping and the banging pots and pans, unifying our country in its appreciation for NHS and other key workers by applauding them our homes on a Thursday evening. This outpouring of love and appreciation for people risking their lives on a daily basis to look after those in need in this difficult time gave me the same feeling as F1 commentator Murray Walker when he said "I’ll have to stop because I’ve got a lump in my throat" and is a new song on the hearts of the population who’s priorities have changed almost overnight.

To reflect on the Singing the Faith song for today "Walk in the light", the good that God is bringing out of this unprecedented situation in my mind is one of unity, even if the journey to faith for many some may be slow, the changing of priorities and focus, we as Christians will pray, is one that we trust God will work in people's hearts to revel his love shown to use through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

George Dixon-Gough, ONE Programme Development Officer


To Ponder:

  • Where can we see God working in the world around us? In the big and in the small?
  • How can we be a blessing to our neighbours in times of trouble but also in the ordinary?
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