Thursday 25 August 2022

Bible Book:

Once you were darkness but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light. (5:8)

Ephesians 4:32-5:9 Thursday 25 August 2022

Psalm 35:1-3, 9-18


It must have been very difficult for converts in the early days of Christianity to get their bearings for the new way of life they had adopted. What was acceptable Christian behaviour? What customs and habits could continue as before?

What God now requires of them is to be God-like. It is exemplified in Jesus. His crucifixion, endured for the benefit of the world, can be compared to the offerings made to God on an altar, an image which would have resonated with readers from both Jewish and non-Jewish backgrounds. The central character of the way of life which they have begun is thus self-denying love for others.

To Ponder:

  • What are the lifestyles to avoid today?
  • What does it mean to ‘live as a child of light’?
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