Saturday 03 October 2015

Bible Book:

“Now Joseph was governor over the land; it was he who sold to all the people of the land. And Joseph’s brothers came and bowed themselves before him with their faces to the ground.” (v. 6)

Genesis 41:53 – 42:6 Saturday 3 October 2015

Psalm: Psalm 102:12-28


An awful lot has happened to Joseph since his brothers sold himinto slavery. As events transpired, he ended up working for anEgyptian captain, but was wrongfully accused of trying to seducehis master's wife. He was imprisoned, and successfully interpretedthe dreams of two fellow prisoners, who just happened to beemployees of the Pharaoh. Later, when Pharaoh was troubled withdreams of his own, Joseph was called upon to interpret, which hedid, and the king believed his predictions of great famine to come.He was set in the highest political position beneath the king, incharge of the economic policy and trade in an area of greatinstability. It's the original 'rags to riches' tale.

Back in Canaan and the surrounding region, everyone would beaffected by the shortage, not least Joseph's family. All but one ofhis brothers make the long trip in desperation, only to find therea powerful man, unrecognisable from the brother they sold intoslavery.

Although there is still much to happen in this story, this isthe place where Joseph's dreams are finally realised. The mentalimages he had of his brothers bowing down to him have come true,but not in the way, or by the means, anyone would haveexpected.

To Ponder

  • If Joseph had never shared his dreams with his brothers, theyprobably wouldn't have come true! This observation is often used toencourage people to tell others the dreams and plans God givesthem. When is discernment and wisdom also needed, about the timingof such revelations?
  • The younger (perhaps arrogant) Joseph may have had visions ofglory, but he had no idea what strife, agony, and hard work was tocome in order to reach his destiny. If he had known that at thestart (and had a choice), would he have chosen the simple life ofhis homeland, or to be saviour of his people? To what extent isthis the true choice that must be faced by all who yearn for publicoffice?
  • Famine is not uncommon in the world today. What does thispassage tell us about the economic wisdom of keeping back some tospare, in order to share it with neighbours in times ofneed? 
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