Monday 16 May 2011

Bible Book:

"What God has made clean, you must not call profane." (v. 9)

Acts 11:1-18 Monday 16 May 2011


This story is set within the context of a period ofextra-ordinary visions and encounters in the region of Caesareathat prepare Peter and Cornelius to embark on a mission to preachthe gospel (good news) to those who had until now been off theirradar. Up until this point, the gospel had only been preached toJews, those who were willing to convert to Judaism calledproselytes and Samaritans who also followed the law of Moses.

Now Peter was experiencing the most bizarre vision in which he wasbeing encouraged to break all the Jewish food laws, which had beenso part of his life and religious culture, thus potentially puttinghimself outside of and at odds with his faith community. However,Peter was quick to realise the far reaching implications of hisdream in that here was an end to the traditional restrictions ontable fellowship between those of the Jewish faith and those whowere Gentiles (non-Jews). This is a radical shift which signals tothe disciples that their mission field was not just within butclearly beyond their own community. God was to be made real to allpeople and not just those who bore the mark of Abraham, ie thosewho were circumcised (see Genesis17:9-14).

No more were there to be any discriminatory practice howevertraditional this might have been; no more was the love of Godexclusively for one particular group of people; no more was thereany need to exclude anyone or anything from the abundance of God'slove for all those created in God's image. Those that did sohindered the work of God because the development of the Church wasinitiated by God and the movement of the Spirit experienced sovividly in these visions.

To Ponder

How far might you interpret your own dreams andvisions to be the work of the Spirit prompting you in a particulardirection? Where might you check that out?

How does the Peter's vision of an end todiscriminatory practices influence your own life as a disciple ofJesus?

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