Saturday 16 August 2014

Bible Book:

"So the chief priests planned to put Lazarus to death as well, since it was on account of him that many of the Jews were deserting and were believing in Jesus." (vv. 10-11)

John 12:1-11 Saturday 16 August 2014


Jesus had gone into hiding (John11:54) to avoid the wrath of the chief priests andPharisees.

But now the Passover now approaches and it's time for him tostep back into the open. Where better to start than the scene ofthe crime? He returns to Bethany -the home of Lazarus, Mary andMartha - the place where Lazarus was given a second shot atlife.

His friends throw a dinner party just for him at which Marymakes an elaborate gesture, anointing him with perfume. This is nosubtle return to ministry. After what seems like no time at all,Jesus is well and truly back in the limelight - and this time hewon't disappear quietly.

The crowds are drawn to Bethany too - not just to see Jesus butto catch a glance of Lazarus. After all, who would miss out on thechance to see a dead man walking, talking and eating? If peoplecould see Lazarus with their own eyes they would know that thestories they had been hearing were indeed true. That this man fromGalilee could not only heal the sick, but could even raise thedead.

Here was a rabbi for the no-hopers, the messiah of the lostcause.

Clearly, this doesn't wash well with the Jewish authorities, whoby this time are on the brink of hysteria. Not content with onlyplotting Jesus' demise, now they decide that Lazarus must go too.Lazarus' blessing of new life comes hand-in-hand with a curse - thethreat of death. Jesus was getting increasingly dangerous to know.His sacrifice and his ministry would be costly to those around himas well as himself.

To Ponder

  • Have you ever made an extravagant gesture of faith? Whathappened?
  • Have you ever taken a risk in the name of faith? Whathappened?
  • Spend some time in prayer for Christians around the world whoare persecuted, tortured and murdered because of their faith inChrist. 
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