Sunday 21 June 2015

Bible Book:

“Who then is this, that even the wind and sea obey him?” (v. 41)

Mark 4:35-41 Sunday 21 June 2015

Psalm: Psalm 107


Memorable events in Jesus's ministry occurred in Galilee, whichis around 100 miles north of Jerusalem, and the Sea of Galilee - alarge inland lake. Jesus's first disciples included fishermen, andthey worked the lake which also provided the means of travel to theopposite shore.

Today's passage is a brief account of a well-known naturemiracle of Jesus - along with other healing miracles they saysomething of the authority of Jesus. There are some fascinatingparts to the story. Other boats set out on the voyage (verse 36),but are not mentioned again. Despite some of the disciples beingexperienced fishermen, they were frightened and seem somewhat takenaback by the storm, which was not an unusual event on the lake.

Take note, though, of Jesus's behaviour: he is asleep,apparently untroubled by the conditions. However, when he is wokenby the terrified disciples, his words and actions bring animmediate calm to the situation. Some commentators have suggestedthat this story was retold by Mark to reassure Christians at a timewhen persecution was rocking the young Church. More importantly,Mark uses it to announce something about Jesus, that even the windand the sea obey him.

There are passages in the Old Testament which speak of the powerof the sea, eg in Psalm 107:23-32 where people cry to God and Godmade the storm be still. Our passage today speaks of Jesus havingsuch power over the forces of nature, and over the troublesencountered by his followers, to bring peace - and a sense ofwonder.

To Ponder

  • Can you recall any times when you have felt that God wasasleep? What did it feel like?
  • What could it mean to you to know that Jesus could calm stormsin your life?
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