Thursday 02 November 2023

Bible Book:

Yet all these, though they were commended for their faith, did not receive what was promised. (v. 39)

Hebrews 11:32-40 Thursday 2 November 2023

Psalm 8


The previous part of Hebrews chapter 11 introduced us to the Hall of Faith (see Tuesday's notes), and listed a series of patriarchs and prophets who experienced miraculous deeds and answers to prayer as they followed God. The author then describes how by faith the ancient Israelites were able to cross the Red Sea and take the city of Jericho, both through the miraculous intervention of God. The implication seems to be that God always comes to the rescue of God's chosen people.

This theme carries on in the first part of today's reading. We are reminded of Gideon, Barak, Jephthah and Samson, who were great leaders of Israel from the time of Judges. They defeated Israel’s enemies and brought freedom back to their people. David and Samuel seem a continuation of this, and we are told of people who conquered kingdoms, administered justice, gained what was promised, shut the mouths of lions, quenched flames, escaped the sword, routed foreign armies and received back their dead – all because of their faith in God.

But then the images change, quite abruptly. Rather than hearing more of miraculous deliverances, we hear of people who suffered and were persecuted; who were tortured, faced jeers and flogging, chains and imprisonment. We hear of people put to death by stoning, sawn in two, or killed by the sword. We hear of people who went about in animal skins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated; who wandered in deserts and mountains, living in caves and holes in the ground. All these are commended for living by faith.

So the first half of the reading has people who received miracles because of their faith, and the second half has people who persevered through suffering because of their faith, and didn’t receive miracles. And there is the spiritual secret: God does not always rescue us from dangers. But like the three young men who were friends with Daniel and were threatened with the fiery furnace (Daniel chapter 3), we are called to keep our faith in God, and it will be vindicated in the next life, if not always in this one.  


To Ponder:

  • When have you received answers to prayer or seen God doing miraculous things in your life?
  • When have you suffered for following Jesus, and received persecution rather than miraculous provision?
  • How have either (or both) of these circumstances impacted your faith? 


Lord Jesus, help us to put our trust in you, no matter the circumstances. Increase our faith so that we may continue to pray and trust no matter what we go through. May we see answers to our prayers of faith. And may we continue to have faith, even when our prayers are not answered. Amen.


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