Saturday 14 April 2018

Bible Book:

“But to one who without works trusts him who justifies the ungodly, such faith is reckoned as righteousness” (v. 5)

Psalm: Psalm 119:145-160


Paul’s letter to the Romans explains that people have sinned and that God sent his son, Jesus, to save them from their sins and therefore reconcile people to God.

Depending on your Bible translation, this passage is entitled ‘The Example of Abraham’ or ‘Abraham by Faith’.

In verse 4 we are told that people cannot do work that will make them right with God. It is a faith thing; they have to be reconciled with God. It’s the same message as yesterday’s passage. Verse 4 also encourages the people of Rome to trust God, even those whose work earns wages because this is an obligation. A comparison is made between those who do no work but trust God for they are rewarded with pay, even ‘credited’ with righteousness – this makes them right with God.  

The second half of verse 5 describes how when God accepts their faith, this makes then right with God. Romans 4:13-25 explains that it is your faith that makes you right with God, not your good works. But it is also obedience and trusting in God. If we are to learn anything from Abraham and God’s promise for his life, it is obedience, trust and belief (ie faith). It is this faith that brings about our true understanding of salvation. We live it out and breathe it in.

God does not care about good works; it is your heart that God cares about.

To Ponder

  • How do you explain your faith to people?
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you today in your thoughts, actions, words and prayer. Listen to Open my eyes.
  • Pray that you may be guided by today’s passage.
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