Saturday 14 January 2023

Bible Book:
1 John

As for you, the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and so you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, abide in him. And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he is revealed we may have confidence and not be put to shame before him at his coming. (vs 27-28)

1 John 2:22-28 Saturday 14 January 2023

Psalm 119:81-96


'Abiding' is an important John theme – it's used throughout John's Gospel to indicate the intimacy of relationship between God and humanity. It is an organic image of being grafted or tethered together for the long-haul.  The community, after all of the anguish and pain of the previous verses, is still to stay faithful.  Come what may.

The writer Merlin Sheldrake, in his book The Entangled Life talks about the abiding networks of plants and fungi on and within the forest floor – encouraging a deeper (no pun intended) engagement and study of the ‘wood-wide web'.  Sheldrake describes the intimate entwined networks of mutual sustainability and communication which exist beneath trees and fauna; and the mycelium (an underground network of fungal threads). 

Sheldrake notes that mushrooms and mycelium are now being used in pharmaceuticals, psychology, fashion and food.  We are discovering that specific mycelium can not only survive a nuclear holocaust, but can ingest radioactivity. Some  are able to break down otherwise indestructible plastics. Mushroom fibres can make fabric similar to silk. Some mushrooms with psychotropic effects are now being used in the care of those with chronic depression.  

The abiding of the hidden mycelium network beneath the surface of the earth, has the  potential to sustain, heal and recreate the conditions for the flourishing of the whole world.

A bit like the mycelium, there is a network of grace that unites and sustains us all. This part of 1John encourages the community to abide, to remain, to be grafted together with Christ – and to seek out the sustaining, healing and recreating of life in Christ.  

The Christian faith isn’t confined to special moments of religious experience – it is as much about the ordinary days and the routines that surround and sustain us. The writer in 1 John is helping the community to be prepared for the long-haul of faith: to find the reason as well as the practices that will keep them connected. We are encouraged to find things that help us; to stay open to new ideas and revelations from God;  and not to be swept away by things that are not of love, life and truth.


To Ponder:

    • What networks are important for you?
    • What do you have confidence in?  What do you need confidence in?
    • Find a way today to engage with the wood-wide web. Go for a walk in a forest; take your shoes off on your lawn; hug a tree; hunt out some fungi.


God of all above and beneath the surface, graft us closer to you, today that we might be entwined and equipped by your Spirit and open to the adventures of your sub-surface grace. Help us to live closer to your plans and purposes, able to notice you in the midst of the compost and debris of life. Amen.

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