Wednesday 07 April 2010

Bible Book:

"Stay with us ... When he was at the table with them he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognised him; and he vanished from their sight ... Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road?" (v.29-30, 32)

Luke 24:13-35 Wednesday 7 April 2010


Luke loves 'journey' stories. When you're 'on the road' that's atime when moments of God's revelation will occur. The road toEmmaus story is increasingly associated with faith journeyingtoday. It takes up a whole day/life, from morning to night,beginning to end. It involves progressive enlightenment.

It's interesting to consider that the two disciples are probablyleaving Jerusalem as much astravelling to Emmaus. They've been partof the wider band of disciples but Jesus' death is the end forthem. They walk away from where it's all happened with heavyhearts. They're walking out of faith! It is wonderful, then, thatin this story the risen Jesus spends his day of resurrectionaccompanying two dispirited people.

How come they don't recognise him? Some say because the sun was intheir eyes or that Jesus was wrapped up - well, really! But Lukesuggests that they're prevented fromrecognising Jesus until the right point in the story. Perhapsbecause they have the wrong shaped Messiah in their heads (aconquering warrior rather than a suffering servant) Jesus does notwant to confirm? If so, then we can assume that at the point ofrevelation - at the breaking of bread - they understand who he is,whereas prior to that they are blinded by their wrong notions ofhis nature? This produces the irony that when he is 'physically'present with them on the road they don't really 'see', and whenthey do 'see' he disappears from sight! How often that is the wayof faith!

Luke also provides us with a lovely image. The day is almost goneand the travellers arrive at Emmaus. Some suggest they're a coupletravelling home and have now arrived there. They invite him in toeat, he is their guest. But at the table it is Jesus who plays hostand breaks the bread. In more than one sense the guest has becomethe host. Jesus has to be 'received' for the Easter experience tobecome 'live'.

Jesus begins as stranger, becomes a companion, then a teacher, thenan invited guest becomes host. And finally a recognised, risenLord.

To Ponder

Leave them alone? Pester them? How do we bestrelate to people who are 'walking out of faith'?

In terms of deepening discipleship, what does itmean for us today that Jesus as guest becomes Jesus as host?

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