Wednesday 16 June 2010

Bible Book:
2 Kings

"Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit." (v.9)

2 Kings 2:1-14 Wednesday 16 June 2010


Succession planning is always difficult. For Elijah, it has beentaking place since 1Kings 19 when Yahweh (another name for God) informed himthat Elisha will be his successor. But here he seems reluctant topass on the baton and seeks to avoid the moment.

Their hastily arranged expedition is a wild goose chase ofcrisscrossing journeys, in which Elisha is regularly asked if he isaware that his mentor will depart. At each stage it appears thatElijah seeks to dispose of his junior's presence. Elisha repeatshis devotion and commitment to Elijah - "As the Lord lives and asyou yourself live, I will not leave you". This is reminiscent ofRuth to Naomi (Ruth 1:15-17), and commitment is rooted in thecall of God as well as respect. Elijah is described as Elisha's'father' - a term of the greatest respect.

"Father, father! The chariots of Israel and its horsemen!" shoutsElisha when Elijah ascends to heaven in the whirlwind. This seemsan incredulous concept to contemporary readers. However, in thiscontext, Baal (a local god) was thought to be the cloud-ridingdeity. The lesson here for Israel is that it is Yahweh who is thepower in the storm and the rider of the chariot.

This is a threshold experience between two prophets but alsobetween the reigns of the kings Ahaziah and Jehoram. The life ofElijah reminds us that the tussle with evil regimes is at personalcost and sometimes breakdown. But Elijah's resilience illustrateshow God supports and enables those who minister in God's name.Above all, God will establish justice and peace.

This passage is often read on the Sunday before Lent, when theGospel reading is the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8). Both the story of Elijah'sascension and Jesus' transfiguration emphasise the mystery of God,the otherness of God. Today's passage suggests that we can glimpse,occasionally, with the eyes of faith, the reality and mystery of atranscendent god.

The request of Elisha in verse 9 is both telling and full ofpathos. Elisha cannot bear to be parted from his mentor and asksfor a double portion of his spirit. The garment (called an ephod) -a splendid outer garment probably colourful with precious metalswoven in - becomes the sign of the handover. Elisha can now do whatElijah had done - and he must wear the ephod.

To Ponder

If you could have a double portion of the spiritof someone you admire what and who would that be?

What is it that you cannot do without?


Resilience in the face of opposition is wearing.How do you think Elijah coped? How might you cope in suchsituations?

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