Tuesday 02 December 2014

Bible Book:
1 Thessalonians

“put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation” (v. 8)

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Tuesday 2 December 2014

Psalm: Psalm 69:1-21


Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians is believed to be theearliest of his letters in the New Testament. He spent only a shorttime in Thessalonica, speaking to the Jewish population there intheir synagogue (Acts 17:1-10). Although some of the Jewsresponded to his proclamation of the gospel, along with someGentile (non Jewish) adherents to their faith, other Jews stirredup violent opposition towards the missionaries. Paul and Silas fledto safety. Despite this inauspicious beginning, a Christiancommunity was established in Thessalonica, to whom Paul wrote histwo letters, probably from Corinth, around 50 AD.

The Old Testament prophets said that on the Day of the Lord Godwould bring the present world to an end, and establish God'ssovereign rule. In verse 2, Paul uses this phrase but he isspeaking of the early Christian expectation of the return of Christin glory. Although imminent, this will be unexpected. He likens itto the visit of a thief in the night, which draws on the teachingof Jesus (Matthew 24:43).

Christians have nothing to fear, as they live in the light offaith, not the darkness of unbelief. However there is no place forcomplacency. They must live in such a way that they are ready.Exercising the Christian qualities of faith, hope and love is thebest way to be prepared. Elsewhere, Paul speaks of "the armour oflight" (Roman 13:12) and Ephesians 6:10-18 expands on the militarymetaphor. The implication is that Christian life is a struggle, andwe need all the help we can get.

Paul echoes the teaching of Jesus about being ready for the end,whenever it might come.

To Ponder

  • Paul speaks of the qualities of faith, hope and love in termsof ancient armour.
  • How would you reinterpret those qualities for the 21stcentury?
  • Are there aspects of darkness which you need to overcome inyour life? If so, what might you do to overcome them?
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