Monday 01 January 2024

Bible Book:

] as his wife. (v. 24)

Matthew 1:18-25 Monday 1 January 2024

Psalm 8


Today, eight days after Christmas, commemorates the naming of the baby Jesus. 

The Bible tells us very little about Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph, and this passage simply refers to him as “a righteous man”. The genealogy preceding today’s reading informs the reader that Joseph could trace his ancestors back to the ancient and royal house of David. Elsewhere we can read that Joseph was a carpenter and lived in a village called Nazareth, which is all very ordinary. A suitable marriage to a girl called Mary was arranged and one can assume that the usual marriage preparations were in place. No doubt it would have been one of the highlights of the year for the village, but otherwise an everyday wedding in a small community. 

Then came the bombshell: Mary was pregnant. What would a righteous man do in such a situation? Knowing that the baby could not be his, Joseph is reported to have considered quietly setting aside the arrangement, as the best possible way forward in such a conservative society. However, Joseph’s dilemma is increased by Mary’s announcement that the baby has been conceived by the Holy Spirit of God. 

This leads into one of the most dramatic of birth narratives. In a dream, the confused and questioning Joseph is visited by an angel of God. So, at this time of Joseph’s deepest soul-searching, God is present. At Joseph’s lowest point, God enters the story. More than simply being calmed, Joseph is reassured about Mary’s honest account of what has happened, and is given the mental resolve and spiritual strength to go through with the marriage.  

Moreover, Joseph is asked to name the child. The angel says: “She will give birth to a son and you [Joseph] are to give him the name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” (v. 21) Joseph is no longer a spectator, he is involved as the key human conveyor of the good news. Out of the ordinary events of village life, God has brought something very special. When God displays God's glory, it is so often in transforming events of everyday life. 


To Ponder:

  •  On this first day of a new year, it is a good time to look forward to the blank canvas that is 2024. Charles Wesley’s hymn 'Let earth and heaven agree' (No. 358 in the Methodist hymnbook 'Singing the Faith') is uplifting; Jesus will accompany us all, whatever unfolds this year. 
  • Joseph could be forgiven for wanting to take the easy way out of a proposed marriage. His decision not to change his mind would have been criticised by family and friends, yet he had the courage to go through with the marriage.


Today we pray for leaders, politicians, family members and friends who take a principled Christian stand on issues in the face of criticism. Amen.

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