Saturday 14 November 2015

Bible Book:
1 Peter

“Be hospitable to one another” (v. 9)

1 Peter 4:9-13 Saturday 14 November 2015

Psalm: Psalm 125


Having ended the previous section (1Peter 4:8) with another call to love each other, Petercontinues by urging the readers to be hospitable withoutcomplaining in verse 9. Being hospitable might seem to be quitestraightforward but how many of us have never complained about aguest? Part of being hospitable is the demonstration of acceptancewhich is, of course, the very opposite of a complaining spirit.

Peter goes on to urge the readers to act in what is essentiallya practical fulfilment of Paul's concept of being 'in Christ' (Romans6:3-4). This is achieved by serving each other by usingwhichever gifts God has given us, speaking as if God were speakingand using the strength given by God, rather than our own.Everything should be of God because everything comes from God.

In verse 12 we are reminded of the situation faced by Peter'sreaders, namely that they were facing opposition and persecution.He encourages the readers not to be dismayed or surprised at thisbut, instead, to see it as an inevitable consequence of followingChrist. The implication is that if Christ himself suffered then sowill his followers. Of course Peter is referring to the sufferingcaused by persecution and opposition to their faith but we mightalso remind ourselves not to be dismayed when suffering comes inother forms. Experience reminds us that suffering is part oflife.

However, Peter does not just seek patience or perseverance butalso exhorts the readers to rejoice in their suffering because theyare sharing in Christ's suffering. The normal values of this lifein which life is grasped onto and suffering is avoided at all costsare turned completely on their head by the "living hope" (1Peter 1:3) of which Peter spoke, and which was consideredin Monday's notes.

To Ponder

  • How do you respond to the exhortation to rejoice in sharingChrist's sufferings?
  • How can you practise hospitality, without complaining,today?
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