Sunday 03 October 2021

Bible Book:

'Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?' (v. 2)

Mark 10: 2-17 Sunday 3 October 2021

Psalm 8


Controversy has always surrounded the Church’s teaching on marriage, divorce and children. The ‘what must I do?’ question asked by the rich young ruler is equally problematic and very pertinent here. Furthermore is Mark, by linking together two very separate incidents, suggesting that one cannot separate divorce from the issue of what happens to the children?

Jesus holds up the ideal of marriage ­­­­– a partnership where in their love for each other male and female become one flesh. He is unambiguous in his affirmation that fidelity in marriage opens the door to blessing. In the case of a failed marriage Jesus is against using the law, as the Pharisees did, to quickly terminate the relationship. In that patriarchal culture a man could easily dispose of his wife (v. 11). It was not a reciprocal arrangement. Jesus, in his support of women, condemns such misogynistic behaviour.

 He knows that we are all prone to sin; that marriages fail and partnerships fracture. A relationship cannot be restored through the law but only by exercising forgiveness and grace. The whole of chapter 10 in Mark's Gospel has to be seen in the context of our Lord’s journey to Jerusalem where he is to sacrifice himself so that grace and love can abound and where through the Cross that which is broken can be mended.

This chapter is about the reversal of human values and aspirations. The least – like the children – become more important than the greatest. The rich discover joy by becoming poor. To live in the Kingdom of God, which he is inaugurating, is not about concentrating on one’s rights but embracing one’s responsibilities. It is not about seeking personal status but about living as a servant; not about holding on but about opening oneself up to a new future. As hymn 510 (Says Jesus, "Come and gather round") in Singing the Faith exhorts us; we are to let the children teach us "to risk and trust and dare".

To Ponder:

  • What can you do or say to a couple whose marriage is in trouble?
  • How can we best support those who are divorced?
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