Thursday 03 December 2009

Bible Book:

"On that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah." (v.1a)

Isaiah 26:1-6 Thursday 3 December 2009


This passage contains a hymn of triumph and rejoicing to be sungby the loyal Jews at the time when God's final victory has beengranted them, and they will be able to return to their homeland -Judah - from their current exile in Babylon.

The "gates" in verse 2 point to a processional entry in Jerusalem,but whether this is a victory march of soldiers or pilgrims duringa religious festival cannot be determined.

The beautifully expressed words of assurance - "those of steadfastmind you keep in peace" - give confidence that God will guard thosewho remain loyal so that they may be assured of a place in thefinal triumph. The verses referring to overthrowing a lofty cityare associated with the city of chaos in Isaiah 24:10. Thissymbolises the organised power of human evil, as well asgoodness.

The strong city mentioned in verse 1 can also be identified withJerusalem, which becomes the fortress and centre of all loyal andgodly Jews. This restoration of Jerusalem ultimately led to thedevelopment of end-time (eschatological) imagery in the belief in anew 'heavenly' Jerusalem (eg Revelation21:2).

Even though the overthrowing of the lofty city is spoken of as apast event, this must be taken as a future, visionary, expectationof the ultimate destruction of evil and oppression.

To Ponder

In what ways might the present Jerusalem bedescribed as a "new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God"(Revelation 21:2)?

And in what ways could the present Jerusalem bedescribed as a lofty city, or a city of chaos?

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