Wednesday 28 October 2015

Bible Book:

“If they persecuted me, they will persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also.” (v. 20)

John 15:17-27 Wednesday 28 October 2015

Psalm: Psalm 117


Behind today's passage is a deepunderstanding of inter-group conflict: all too common in areligiously or socially mixed society. Danger comes when a groupfeels threatened by a neighbouring group, or jealous of what seemto be privileges for 'them' are not available to 'us'. In no timethe beleaguered group may resort to creating wild stereotypes orfantasies about the strange 'others'; or blaming them foreverything that makes life difficult; or even hostility andviolence. Rigid walls of demarcation are built (sometimesliterally). All of this Jesus here calls 'hatred'.

Jesus warns his disciples that the Church willface 'hatred', from Jews (and gentiles). Jesus has chosen andcalled his friends to share in the values, the style ofrelationships and the moral and spiritual resources that heuniquely embodied, in the name of God. Individuals and groups whoare not part of the Jesus-family are referred to as "the world"(vv. 18, 19). They will hate and persecute the Church as surely asthey have unloaded their ill will on Jesus. They have refused tohear the truth widely proclaimed by Jesus, in his words andactions, that he is the authentic embodiment of God's life.

The Church is made responsible for two thingsafter Jesus' departure: they must live together in mutual love(verse 17); and they must be witnesses in the world to God's lovefor the world, in their words and deeds. In spite of the hatredthis provokes, the Church may hope that, as happened in theministry of Jesus, some will hear the truth and respond (verse20b).

The Church's witness must never return hatred forhatred. Only the help of God's Spirit (the Advocate) in them andamong them can save the Church from that and empower them always tolive as Jesus did.

To Ponder

  • What is your experience of inter-group conflict where you liveor have lived?  What constructive initiatives helped mutualunderstanding?
  • Conflicts within the Church or between local congregations: Howare they being dealt with in your situation?  What wisdom andexperience can you contribute to the work of reconciliation?
  • Write in your own words a prayer to the Holy Spirit for helpwith the Christian vocation to love everyone you meet; and use itdaily for a period.
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