

Dear friend, 

This year’s 3Generate elections take place from 21 November 2020 and we’re keen that as many children and young people as possible, from across the Methodist Church, are able to participate as possible. They have the opportunity to elect the Youth President for 2021/22 as well as their 3Generate representatives for the coming year. 

In order to vote children and young people need to be registered. There are some simple steps to make this happen: 

  1. Children and young people aged 8-17 years old can be registered only once by a group leader or parent/carer. 
  2. They need to be registered by 15 November via this link.  
  3. Elections open on 21 November for a limited period.
  4. All those aged 18-23 can register to vote here.  

Please could you help us get the word out and communicate this as widely as possible? There will be more information appearing in the coming weeks about the candidates standing for election so do check 3Gen TV and the 3Generate webpage for further details. We hope that lots of children and young people will use their vote and know that by doing so they are making a difference to the life and ministry of the Church. 

With grateful thanks for all your support in this, 

Phoebe Parkin and the Children, Youth and Family Team