Saturday 05 December 2009

Bible Book:

"Truly, O people in Zion ... your eyes shall see your Teacher." (v.19-20)

Isaiah 30:19-26 Saturday 5 December 2009


This passage reveals the effects which will stem from God'sgrace in the midst of judgement.

First, the Judeans (the Jewish people) will perceive God. Second,they will abandon the idolatry with which they had attempted tosupply their own needs. Third, God will then supply the very thingswhich the idols professed to supply but would, and could not.

The importance of both judgement and grace is clearly spelt out. Itis judgement which shatters false values and makes one attentive.It is grace which motivates the broken to believe and obey. Butneither is ultimately effective without the other.

This passage from Isaiah is a classic example of an assuring homilyin the wisdom/Deuteronomic style. The gracious, healing, guidingnature of God is certain and dominant. The name of God is prominentas "your Teacher" (verse 20).

The specific concern with the inhabitants of Jerusalem must betaken as a reflection of the political situation of thepost-exilic, Persian period (when Judah was rebuilt as a provinceunder the rule of Persia). This, along with heightened politicaltensions, the threat of war and prophetic teachings that God hadsent wars against them caused the people to despair of God's helpand goodness.

God's presence is a gentle and constant reminder of 'the way'whenever they are tempted to stray, and acts as a strong admonitionagainst idolatry.

When the Lord delivers the people from Babylon and they return toJudah, God will bind up the hurt of the people and it is almost asthough the land itself will rejoice. There will be a marvellousimprovement in the fertility and richness of the natural order, andeven domestic farm animals will be fed with great abundance.

Ultimately, the new world order will reflect the new experience ofthe people of God.

To Ponder

To what extent are we really capable of creatinga peaceful and harmonious co-existence where there is enough forall in our contemporary world?

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