Thursday 08 June 2023

Bible Book:

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. (v. 13)

John 16:12-15 Thursday 8 June 2023

Psalm 93


We are deep within that famous conversation on the night of Maundy Thursday when Jesus is about to be executed and is speaking to his disciples (John13-17).  Five chapters was a lot for the disciples to take in on that confusing night!  I suspect that Jesus may have been able to remind them of his words in the six weeks after his resurrection, before he ascended into heaven, when there was more time to prepare them for what was to come. This short passage seems especially relevant then: waiting for the Spirit of Truth (aka the Advocate, the Holy Spirit). That Spirit was given to them gently on Easter Day (John 20:22-23) and powerfully at Pentecost (Acts 2).

Jesus speaks here of the Holy Spirit as truly a ‘person’, an other, not simply his own spirit (although they are certainly intimately related in Christian understanding). The Holy Spirit here is a guide, and one who will speak the thoughts and words of God to the disciples. Once again, we can only listen in awe, as Jesus puts into words this mysterious relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Once again, we are invited to be part of it. The Christian life is incomplete (and the Church does not get very far) without this constant giving and sharing, this speaking and listening, this guiding and declaring, that is part of the relationship of the Trinity we enter into.


To Ponder:

  • In the lives of our churches, do we spend enough time waiting on the Holy Spirit before we act? Or are we so busy that there is little time for that?
  • Do you ever want to ask God what the future holds? How can faith in the eternal and loving God who gives us the Spirit help when it comes to trusting without seeing?
  • How would you feel or respond if you were involved in this intimate conversation with Jesus?
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