Wednesday 02 June 2021

Bible Book:

'When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.' (v. 13)

John 16:12-15 Wednesday 2 June 2021

Psalm 93


I have found myself sitting with people in the final stages of their life. They had so much to share. They spoke with grace and gentleness and love, without a hint of malice. These sacred conversations required careful listening. Sometimes I have been afraid they would tell me something I could not handle.

Jesus, knowing “his hour had come to depart from this world” (John 13:1) gathered his friends to share in a meal and conversation. The words of the reading today are part of this conversation.

There are some things he could not say, the disciples “cannot bear them now” (verse 12). He speaks of the work of the Spirit of truth to guide them “into all truth”. This includes discernment through a process that includes listening and what is heard (16:13). It will take time to enter the depth of all that is given in Jesus.

The Spirit will always have more to reveal of God including good judgement and new aspects of truth, which always has many facets. This is important to acknowledge because the world is constantly changing and throwing up new challenges through poverty, pandemics, persecution, violence, and developments such as the internet and social media. And there are always more “things that are to come” (verse 13) locally, globally, for the whole Church – not just for individuals.

Perhaps we can hear in these words the Early Church discerning the message of Christ when persecution has started, and people are 'stumbling' and being 'expelled' from places of worship? (16:1-2).

There is reflection of and an interplay in the unity and relationship in the Holy Trinity in these words, locating the 'Father' as the ultimate source of all things (verse 15). Deeper learning, understanding of truth, and strength in difficult times are found in relationships of equity modelled in the Trinity.


To Ponder:

  • What is too much for you to bear now? Who helps you discern the different aspects of truth?


Holy God keep me open to the work of your Spirit in me, as I engage and interact with others, and bring me to new understandings of your truth. Amen.

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