Wednesday 22 February 2012

Bible Book:

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (v. 21)

Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 Wednesday 22 February 2012


Lent begins today. For many, this season is a time for personalreflection about our walk with God and the way in which we live outour faith day by day. It is also a time for corporate considerationof faith and the role of the Church in society today. Today'spassage helps us to get underway!

Jesus' teaching to his disciples as to how they should liveencourages them to express their relationship with God withoutlooking for any earthly recognition or rewards - in quiet,unnoticeable ways that will be noticeable to God. Jesus alsoteaches them how to pray and sets out the Lord's Prayer (verses7-15) as the pattern for our own prayers before teaching thatGod's forgiveness is conditional on our willingness to forgivethose who have wronged us. He continues with teaching about fastingand the use of resources.

Hunger for God should drive us on so that we behave in ways thatare pleasing to God. The thrust of these verses is the denial ofself against overt displays of piety - as often seen in religiousleaders of Jesus' day.

As Lent begins, let us keep our small sacrifices between God andourselves and allow God to speak to us about the things we think,do and say that are worthy of the one who made the ultimatesacrifice for our sake.

To Ponder

"Although the disciples are to be seen doing goodworks, they must not do good works in order to be seen" (PaulLevertoff (c.1875- 1954), a Hebrew-Christian scholar). To whatextent is this a description of your behaviour?

What is balance between witnessing and showingoff?

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