Bible Studies

We hope you find our 'Word in Time' Bible studies support you in recognising God in Scripture, and the world around you.

Each week’s studies are written by volunteers across the Connexion (you can read the author’s biography after each study). They follow the lectionary of the Methodist Prayer Handbook. You may additionally be interested in our Prayer of the Day, also from the Methodist Prayer Handbook.

If you would like to write for A Word in Time, please email

This week's theme: On Eagles' Wings

"Thus says King Cyrus of Persia: the Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem in Judah." (v. 2)
Ezra 1:1-11
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"Everyone whose spirit God had stirred got ready to go..." (v.5)
Ezra 1:1-6
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"And all the people responded with a great shout when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid." (v. 11)
Ezra 3:1-13
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"God ... has extended to us his steadfast love." (v.9)
Ezra 9:5-9
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