Friday 05 October 2012
- Bible Book:
- Galatians
"The scripture has imprisoned all things under the power of sin, so that what was promised through faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe." (v. 22)
In today's passage Paul continues topersuade the new Christians of Galatia that their renewed livesrest on faith in Christ alone, and not (as some are forcefullysuggesting) on any other marker of the old covenant with his peopleIsrael. In the
The prophet Jeremiah spoke of a newcovenant, where God would put his law "within them" and "write iton their hearts" - he spoke of a new relationship to come betweenGod and his people (Jeremiah 31:31-34). And when the Spirit came atPentecost (Acts 2) this opened the floodgates on that newrelationship. The new covenant has come through the cross and theSpirit. Through the one perfect "offspring" (v. 16) (Jesus Christ),God promises are being fulfilled.
The talk of "offspring" or "seed" isconfusing, since in the Genesis story God claimed that Abraham'soffspring would be as numerous as the stars in the sky (
The law of God in the Bible still has apurpose to instruct and steer us in moral matters, and to remind uswhere God's people went wrong. It is by no means void, but it neverbrings life;, it doesn't bring that right relationship with God,and it cannot make us alive to the plans God has for us: that isthe work of the Spirit, coming through faith in Christ alone.
To Ponder
- How do you understand the difference between the 'old covenant'and the 'new covenant'? What difference does it make for you?
- How important is it that we still read and try to understandthe Old Testament?
- How do you think God's holy words to us in Scripture and theHoly Spirit work together for the believer? Can you think of timein your life where one or the other was more important or'real'?