Friday 10 March 2017

Bible Book:
1 Corinthians

“Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. And we speak of these things in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit.” (vv. 12-13a)

1 Corinthians 2:6-16 Friday 10 March 2017

Psalm: Psalm 119:65-80


Following directly from yesterday's passage Paul leads into morecomplicated reasoning to explain what he means about the differencebetween the wisdom of the world and the so-called foolishness ofGod's wisdom. Remember he is writing to those Corinthian Christianswho have been disturbed and confused by the cultural influencesaround them and have begun to distort the original simplicity ofthe good news of Jesus and his teachings.

Paul reminds them that after Jesus died the Spirit of God wasgiven in a new way to inspire, guide and teach them. The Spirit ofGod speaks out the wisdom of God, which comes from the mind of God.How can that be foolishness? This is nothing to do with humanwisdom, but is rooted in spiritual realities.

Paul also points out that there is nothing really new about theSpirit of God being in the world. At the dawn of creation, however,we see that happening, the Spirit was there. That same Spiritinspired the prophets and the great leaders of faith in the OldTestament. Jesus was a living and dying embodiment of the Spirit ofGod and the wisdom of God, and he promised that same Spirit wouldbe given to his followers after he had left them (John14:16-17). A current expression of the Spirit is helping thosewho take on that calling to live and work in the same way that hedid. This is God, breathing through the Church, inspiring people tospeak out about the love, grace and forgiveness of God. Thatinspiration will go on.

One continuous line of speech.

First, the creative Spirit bringing order from chaos.
Next, the prophets, thundering, condemning, or calling people torepentance.
After them, the Son, embodying the image of God, challenging,changing, daring and sacrificial in death, now crowned withglorious resurrection.
Then God's Spirit again, giving new gifts to sustain and build thebody of faith and commitment and service.

One continuous line of speech reaching down the centuries bypeople empowered by the spirit-filled gifts to offer a message offorgiveness and hope for all who seek to find God.

To Ponder

  • What message does God's wisdom have to offer to the foolishnessof today's world?
  • How do you react when you feel that God is speaking directly toyou?
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