Friday 15 March 2024

Bible Book:

But as for me, here I am in your hands. Do with me as seems good and right to you. (v. 14)

Jeremiah 26:1-24 Friday 15 March 2024

Psalm 38:9-16


Do you ever think God asks a bit too much of you sometimes? 

As if he hasn’t been through enough physical danger, as well as his own internal struggles and despair, Jeremiah, who at his calling said to God: “Ah, Lord God! Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy”(Jeremiah 1:6) is now called to stand alone "in the court of the Lord’s house" (v. 2), and speak God’s message of judgement to the heart of the religious establishment – the priests and prophets. 

It is a task requiring courage on another level and even God apparently can’t reassure him that after this particularly scary assignment, all will be well. There's no guarantee that Judah will repent and be saved from judgement and that Jeremiah can settle down to a quiet life.

Intriguingly God says: "It may be that they will listen" (v 3).  There is no certainty. Jeremiah has to obey God and deliver the message to the people anyway.  

Far from the Jeremiah who blamed God for ‘enticing’ him (20:7) or the one who wished he had never been born (20:14) Jeremiah now seems completely at peace in God’s hands and fully resigned to whatever lies in store. (26:14) His faith and trust in God have grown and God’s presence doesn’t desert him. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Ahikam steps in to save Jeremiah from being put to death (v. 24) and he lives to prophesy once more. 

Jeremiah found himself in a dangerous place but the presence of God enabled him to say: "Here I am in your hands.  Do with me as seems good and right to you." (v 14) We will probably never be in such physical danger as Jeremiah frequently found himself, but if we are ever in places or situations that threaten to overwhelm us, we can be assured of the Lord’s presence and support. 

To Ponder:


Loving God, when people or situations threaten to overwhelm me, help me to stand up and stand fast for you. Amen. 

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