Friday 31 July 2009

Bible Book:

"For six days shall work be done; but the seventh day is a Sabbath of complete rest, a holy convocation; you shall do no work: it is a Sabbath to the Lord throughout your settlements." (v.3)

Leviticus 23:1-37 Friday 31 July 2009


Today's passage adds the concept of 'holy time' to that of holypersons, holy places and holy things about which the book ofLeviticus has been teaching thus far. In the test, God spokethrough Moses to set out not only the pattern of dividing time, butthe pattern of festivals that the people will keep. The numberseven stands for completeness or perfection in Hebrew writing: Godtook seven days to create the world (including the day of rest) andall that was in it in Genesis, and the pattern of holy time will bebased on groups of seven to remind the people of their Creator. Anddespite the breakdown of the distinctiveness of the seventh day incontemporary western society, the global world still counts days ingroups of seven and patterns its life on the cycle set out inLeviticus.

The point behind there being holy time, Sabbath set aside for Godand festivals with particular purposes (thanksgiving, repentance,remembering the past work of God), was to remind the people oftheir covenant with God. They were to have these times set aside astraining for covenant living, both to comfort and correctthem.

The text carries expectation that covenant living would bedifferent because of what they did at the Sabbath and festivals.Leaving off the instructions for festival observance, the Lordreminded people in verse 22 that in general, "when you reap theharvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very edges of yourfield, or gather the gleanings of your harvest; you shall leavethem for the poor and the alien." This repeated the instructionofLeviticus19:9-10. Protection of the weakest in the community was moreimportant than maximising success for a few, even in lean years ofpoor harvest. This, and remembering that power came from God'sglory, not from human strength, was the point of festivalobservance.

To Ponder

Do you keep a 'Sabbath'? For you, what isdifferent about this day from the other days of the week? Bothpractically and the way you perceive it...

For better and/or worse, do you think Sundayopening of shops has changed society in the UK? How?

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