Friday 7 February 2025

“You have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, ‘You shall not murder’; and ‘whoever murders shall be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you..." (vs 21-22)

Matthew 5:21-26 Friday 7 February 2025

Psalm 70

Jesus opens this section with a refrain we will see repeated in the sections that follow this. You have heard it said… But I say to you…

This may have been a common turn of phrase for rabbis and teachers of the law in Jesus' day. It forms here an introduction to new ways of understanding some of the Ten Commandments. Jesus here is not changing the meaning of those ancient laws but instead unpacking the deeper meaning that sits behind them.

'Do not murder' is a very simple command. We can all get on board with following it. But Jesus broadens it to say we should not harbour anger and hatred towards sisters and brothers and we should not use insulting language about them. This is much more difficult.

As well as drawing out this broader meaning, Jesus also offers some particular things that can be done. He says if you take your offering to the altar and remember on the way you have an issue with someone, you first need to go and reconcile yourself with the person before coming back to bring your gift. What would a communion service look like if we introduced this? How many people would have to leave the service to resolve a conflict with another?

Jesus is here to fulfil what God has been calling all people to. We are all called to a life of reconciliation and redemption. A life of grace and love for all people.

To Ponder:

  • How does Jesus’ expansion of the 'do not murder' command to include anger and hatred challenge the way you think about your relationships and interactions with others?
  • What steps can you take to prioritise reconciliation in your own life, as Jesus encourages?
  • How might embracing Jesus’ deeper emphasis on reconciliation and grace transform your approach to worship, community and everyday life?

Bible notes author: The Revd David Wynd
David Wynd is a Methodist minister serving in Cullercoats, in North Tyneside.

Thursday 6 February 2025
Saturday 8 February 2025