Monday 05 September 2022

Bible Book:

At once I was in the spirit, and there in heaven stood a throne, with one seated on the throne! And the one seated there looks like jasper and cornelian, and around the throne is a rainbow that looks like an emerald. (vs 2-3)

Revelation 4:1-11 Monday 5 September 2022

Psalm 41


The book of Revelation records the vision received by John of Patmos. Just look at the beauty in Revelation 4:1-11. There is a cornucopia of colour, including the rich deep red of jasper, which was the power stone of Ancient Egypt, and the opaque red of the carnelian. The mighty one on the throne exudes power and riches and the throne is bathed in the light of an emerald rainbow. The vivid majesty of this image and the message of power that must be attributed to one who is enthroned in such splendour helps us to step into the vision and appreciate the glory of God.

In this vision, as we step with John out of our earthly bounds and concerns and we are treated to a glimpse of God on the throne. God is clearly ‘other’ as we see in the description and it brings home the awe-inspiring nature of the incarnation.

The Incarnation of Jesus has become almost ordinary to many Christians today, as we casually observe that "Of course Jesus is a man: the Son of God who lived among us, being fully human." In Revelation 4 we wake up to the awe and majesty of God who chose to love us. God is so powerful, so beautiful, so valuable, so caring and desiring that creation be drawn close to God's own heart. The strength of God's love equals the majesty and splendour of God's person.

I love this vision. It challenges my desire to bring the glory of God down to a level I can understand and examine. When I am tempted to make God have my own mindset and think my thoughts, this vision calls me to get a grip! The natural and proper response by those in the vision is to fall in worship before the One on the throne. Their focus is not on their own selves but on the throne. They are overwhelmed by the holiness of God and their only response is to be totally absorbed in worship and adoration.

All creation comes to worship God, who is the source of our life and the one who made us. The pieces of poetry in today’s selection, verses 8 and 11, are doxologies. (A doxology expresses in a compact form, a hymn of praise to God.) They are the praise of the angels and of the people.

This imagery is a far cry from some of the offerings of our hearts. I’m challenged again to surrender my earthly tendency to read God through the eyes of today’s issues. I step into the spirit and allow God to guide me to a depth of worship into which I lose myself. God returns me to live and work with God’s own heart and passion for the world. I have lost myself in Jesus and now I find my actions and activities of life echoing the grace and love of Jesus.  

To Ponder:

  • What would be your doxology for everyday worship?
  •  What is the purpose of worship? How is the Spirit intrinsic to worshipping God?
  • Which are your favourite lines from the passage? How might they help you to know God better?


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