Monday 08 May 2017

Bible Book:

“Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common.” (v. 32)

Acts 4:32-35 Monday 8 May 2017

Psalm: Psalm149:1-5


Jesus' followers tried to work out what it would mean to keephis memory alive. They met in each other's homes, they atetogether, they ensured that all had according to their need. "Nowthe whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul,and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, buteverything they owned was held in common."

We forget where we have come from. If we could remember, that isre-member, put back together, what challenged those first disciplesto follow, to question, to doubt and deny, to run when they wereneeded most, we might not sit so comfortably in church, nor in thesociety of which we are a part.

Jesus mixed with and upheld those on the edge of society. Whenhe was called to go to heal the daughter of the leader of asynagogue he stopped to talk to a woman who was considered unclean,but who was, in fact, ill (Mark5:21-43). He railed against those who put religion ahead ofcompassion. He knew what the government required, when shown acoin, said they should receive it, but implied that God requiredsomething completely different, something more (Mark12:13-17).

The one we follow stood against religious and imperial tyranny,ultimately dying rather than deny love for anyone. He was killed ona cross by an unholy alliance of state and religion. The spirit oflove, God if you like, that he embodied would not go away, did notdie.

The first Christians were trying to work out how to keep thatlove alive.

A lot is being said about Methodism being "a discipleshipmovement shaped for mission". If being a disciple means learning tobe like a teacher, being learners, then I sense we have a long wayto go. The question that faced those first Christians now faces us.How do we keep love alive?

To Ponder

  • What choice do you think Jesus would make confronted by theneeds of the poor over against the wealth of the rich?
  • What choice do you think Jesus would make if he heard abouthealthcare being rationed, of children getting meningitis wheninoculation might prevent it, while it is said, it costs toomuch?
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