Monday 14 September 2020

Bible Book:

At the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (vs. 10-11)

Philippians 2:5-11 Monday 14 September 2020

Psalm: Psalm 22:1-18


Throughout the letter to the Philippians, Paul encourages his hearers to remain group-orientated rather than individualistic in their outlook. This group identity is then marked out by people committing themselves to living in harmony, unity, humility and hospitality.

This passage, often treated as a later addition to the letter, and seen as an early hymn celebrating Christ's identity. However, such interpretations neglect the significance of these verses in this overall structure of Paul's argument.

Rather than being a poetic interlude, there is recent scholarship to suggest that instead, here, Jesus becomes exhibit A in Paul's desire for the Philippian church to be marked out by harmony, unity, humility and hospitality. Jesus provides the definitive example of the type of behaviour that should characterise the Christian life.

Through Jesus, God has moved into the neighbourhood – and has done that in fully human form. Jesus' humility means that he transforms the world through service and humility, rather than through power and violence. Jesus willingly puts himself at the mercy of the powerful, and those seeking to be popular. Jesus is obedient to the violent method through which God's love is ultimate shown to the world. It is this sacrifice which enables the full flourishing of humanity, as the Philippian church (and us), are invited to proclaim Jesus' lordship and authority.

The need for distinctive group identity in the face of the challenges of individualism is more pertinent than ever in our contemporary lives. As a local, connexional and global movement, being marked out by following Jesus' example, and by being a community identified by harmony, unity, humility and hospitality, may indeed be the way to change the world.


To Ponder:

  • How might this passage impact upon any plans you might be making?
  • Which is most important for you – harmony, unity, humility and hospitality? What one thing can you do today to demonstrate this characteristic to someone else?
  • Listen to a version of the hymn 'At the name of Jesus.' What strikes you on this hearing?
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