Monday 16 January 2012

Bible Book:

return to me, for I have redeemed you." (vv. 21-22)

Isaiah 44:6-8, 21-23 Monday 16 January 2012


Chapter 44 begins with a blessing andreassurance from God for Jacob and the people of Israel. God isboth their creator and redeemer, the one who formed them in thewomb and who will save them from destruction. On the basis of God'snature and commitment to them, there is no need for fear.

Verses 6-8 then affirm the absolute sovereignty and uniqueness ofGod, piling up images and claims. This is underlined by arhetorical challenge: "Who is like me?" (v. 7). Israel is called tobe a witness to God's complete incomparability, drawing on theirexperience both now and in the past (verses 7-8).

The chapter concludes with a reaffirmation of Jacob and Israel'sservant status before God as a cause for rejoicing (verses 21-23).The idea of servanthood today is often associated with 'knowingone's place'. Servants are portrayed in television programmes likeDownton Abbey as menial people who know their place and obeywithout question. Even when in the modern media employees of localand central government are described as 'public servants', it isoften as a device to downplay their right to take disruptiveindustrial action. Who on earth would want to be a servant and howcould this ever be a cause for rejoicing?

In Isaiah 44 the status of a servant of God also contains a strongelement of 'knowing one's place'. But it is precisely this that isthe cause for rejoicing since God identifies Jacob and Israel'splace as that of chosen people, formed in the womb and marked inthe future, by the Holy Spirit. This is the place from which theyare to witness to the Eternal One who has formed them, who willnever forget them and yet can sweep their sins and failings awaylike passing damp weather.

To Ponder

"You're gonna have to serve somebody, well, itmay be the devil or it may be the Lord, but you're gonna have toserve somebody." Was Bob Dylan right?

What are the spheres in which your service can bea witness to God's faithfulness and forgiveness?

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