Monday 18 April 2016

Bible Book:

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (v. 1)

Romans 8:1-11 Monday 18 April 2016

Psalm: Psalm 73:1-14


Paul writes much about the struggle between the law of theSpirit and the law of sin; and in this passage he refers to living"according to the flesh" (v. 4). "The flesh" here is thought tomean the jurisdiction of the world. Living "according to the flesh"is not so much about our giving in to specific temptations butabout the orientation of our lives, the limits of our horizons, orthe ways in which we embrace and are guided by values and patternsof behaviour that are not of God: it is about habits of thought andways of being that restrict our perception of God's glory andimpair our relationships with others and with God.

And yet, God has acted in Jesus. There has been a decisivemoment which makes possible new ways of seeing and differentpatterns of relating. A new time and way of existing has begun. Weneed no longer have our ways determined by the world, and the worlddoes not ultimately determine who and what we are.

This does not mean that followers of Jesus are no longer capableof doing things to hurt themselves, others or God, and there aretimes when we may feel overwhelmed by the injustice and sufferingwe see and experience, or when we may feel trapped by ouranxieties, burdens or own limitations. Yet the law of flesh, sinand death, does not have the final say. There is nothing that inthe end cannot be overcome. Jesus is our salvation and peace. Thosewho are in Christ Jesus do not suffer "condemnation". Through theSpirit we are enabled to live within a different jurisdiction, andare given the possibility of new ways of seeing and new ways ofbeing. Those who root and orientate themselves in Christ, those who"set [their] mind on the Spirit" (v. 6), discover the path to lifeand peace.

To Ponder

  • How do you understand the verse: "There is therefore now nocondemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"? What kind ofassurance does this bring?
  • What are the things that nourish your discipleship and help youto "set [your] mind on the Spirit" (v. 6)?
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