Monday 27 August 2012

Bible Book:

"What has become of the goodwill you felt?" (v. 15)

Galatians 4:12-20 Monday 27 August 2012


After verses and chapters of closely argued theology, the writerPaul changes tack completely. Today's passage is a plea to theheart, not addressed to the finely turned analytical mind.

Paul reminds that first readers of the letter (the Galatians)that he arrived in Galatia unexpectedly (perhaps due to illness orto persecution), but that didn't stop the Galatians from offering awarm welcome (verse 14). And Paul shared the gospel (good news)with them, he received such a warm response to his words that thosewho heard him treated him as an "angel of God".

But now (in the next verse), everything has changed: "What hasbecome of the goodwill you felt? For I testify that, had it beenpossible, you would have torn out your eyes and given them to me.Have I now become your enemy for telling you the truth?" (vv.15-16). These aren't coolly thought through phrases. No, Paul iswriting with passion, appealing to them from his heart, out oflove. Tom Wright (research professor of New Testamentand Early Christianity at University of St Andrews and formerBishop of Durham)in his commentary on Galatians writes:"Theological argument is important; but unless it takes placewithin a context where people are bonded together in mutual trustand shared Christian experience, it will only reach the head, notthe heart, and probably not the will."

Paul is almost at his wit's end - not knowing what to do (verses19-20). He compares his feeling to that of a mother, who findsherself going though labour pains again as her children struggle.Paul's desire for the Galatians is simple "until Christ is formedin you" - ie that the love of Jesus, an inclusive, all-encompassinglove - should appear in them and their community.

Again and again throughout these verses, the earnestness andwarmth of Paul comes through - a desire to be there in person andsupport them, rather than at the end of a letter.

To ponder:

  • In terms of your faith and discipleship, are you more a head ora heart person? What are the advantages and disadvantages ofboth?
  • Paul is at his wit's end with the Christians in Galatia. Giventhat he cannot be there in person, what might you advise him todo?
  • Paul wants to be there alongside the Galatians. How can you "bethere" for others in their time of need?

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