Monday 29 July 2013

Bible Book:

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” (vv. 3-5)

Matthew 5:3-10 Monday 29 July 2013


Jesus was on a mountain teaching the crowds about thedisciplined character attitudes which enable us to receive God'ssalvation. The sayings are called the beatitudes or blessings. Onemeaning of the verb 'to save' is to cause someone to become wellagain after having been sick. The blessings outline ways andthoughts which are God's ways and thoughts, and are not easily ourown without training. Jesus taught that the kingdom of God was verynear to people, and they could begin to live it in it right now ifthey adopted the right attitude of mind and heart.

What is striking about the sayings is the complete reversal fromhuman ways and thoughts. They describe emotional attitudes andactions that most of us try to avoid, because they are too painful,costly or don't promote our self interest enough. The invitationfrom Jesus is to choose fullness of life and love, not death andthe facade of love.

For example, "Blessed are the poor in spirit". Most of us preferto feel rich in our inner self, powerful, self sufficient and incontrol with plenty of resources to hand. This could lead us tofeel we don't need God or others. But training ourselves in theattitude of receiving and learning in all things and from allpeople brings immense riches in all sorts of unexpectedquarters.

"Blessed are those who mourn": we can find it difficult to givespace to ourselves and others to mourn, loved ones, and losses inlife, encouraging ourselves and others to 'move on'. But there is adeep blessing and fullness in taking space to honour and value thepassing of a loved one or a situation we hold dear. Better to haveloved, and lost than not at all - however painful.

"Blessed are the meek [the humble]": Society values and rewardsthose who are pushy and successful. But if we gain the whole world,but lose our integrity, it leaves us with a hollow feeling ofemptiness and we have not really gained anything at all. The humblehave very little to lose, because they are not driven by status orego and so can be immensely courageous and truth bearing.

To Ponder

  • Outline a time when you have found great blessing in beingpowerless. How did you cope with having no sense of power?
  • Outline a time when you found great blessing in taking time togrieve for a person or special time in your life. What gifts didyou receive?
  • Outline a time where you found great blessing in learning froma big or little failure. What did you learn?
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