Saturday 02 April 2011

Bible Book:

"Take words with you and return to the Lord, say to him, 'Take away all guilt; accept that which is good, and we will offer the fruit of our lips.'" (v. 2)

Hosea 14:1-9 Saturday 2 April 2011


Hosea ends with a call to repentance and this is also how thisweek ends. The unrepentant people of Israel are told to come backto God, not with animal sacrifices but with sincere words ofapology. God does not demand payment, nor is there any punishment:all God seeks is a heartfelt understanding of the wrong that hasbeen done and the intention to get it right in the future.

As humans we can find this kind of unconditional forgivenessconfusing. We are inclined towards vengeance and repaying debt. Wehave a justice system which seems to be about punishing offendersinstead of solving their problems, and if anyone suggests thatjustice should include reform then they tend to be castigated inthe press.

But this is not the example God sets. To God 'sorry' is enough aslong as it is accompanied by a change. God supports that change andholds our hand as we journey into this new life.

To Ponder

When people get it wrong and hurt you, to whatextent are you willing to accept their apology graciously?

Part of repentance is forgiveness, not just ofthe other person but also of ourselves. Take time to forgiveyourself and realise how special you are to God.

This week has been about obedience andrepentance. Spend a few moments to listen to the instructions Godhas for you today.

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