Saturday 03 November 2012

Bible Book:

"This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh." (v. 23)

Genesis 2:18-25 Saturday 3 November 2012


Man's first recorded words (accordingto this story) are "... at last ...". Now he has a companion, in aform that he can recognise as like himself. He already hasfellowship with God, but it isn't enough; there remains within hima longing for something, someone, that as yet he can't identify.And God's words to him, though astonishingly generous, have alsocarried more than a hint of command and menace, with the warning ofdire consequences should he eat of the forbidden tree (Genesis 2:16-17).

Now that he has a human companion, isthe man looking forward to being the one who gives orders, ratherthan always receiving them? Is he now recognising (and is God nowaccepting) that the man needs relationships on a human level aswell as with the Creator?

The Bible mentions 'balance' only inthe context of trade; a merchant's balances must be true and fair(Proverbs 16:11). Today we use the word in adifferent way; 'on the one hand' must be balanced by 'on the otherhand', so that listeners are swayed only by fairly presentedevidence, not by persuasive skill selectively applied.

There appears to be, in this story, animplicit question of balance. The man needs his human companion,but that does not eliminate his need for relationship with God. Inthis human relationship there is the prospect of completion andfulfilment (at last!) but there is also the danger of imbalance -which is what eventually happened, when human relationship tookprecedence over relationship with God.

To Ponder

  • What for you is the bigger challenge-your relationship withother people or your relationship with God? Having pondered andacknowledged your answer to that question, what is Christ callingyou to recover a proper balance?
  • Is the hermit as misguided as the 'party animal', because eachof them is denying a vital component of his humanity? Why?
Previous Page Friday 02 November 2012
Next Page Sunday 21 October 2012