Saturday 09 April 2011

Bible Book:

"But you, O Lord of hosts, who judge righteously, who try the heart and the mind, let me see your retribution upon them, for to you I have committed my cause." (v. 20)

Jeremiah 11:18-20 Saturday 9 April 2011


In today's passage Jeremiah is at the early stages of achallenging and dangerous ministry. A priest from the tribe ofBenjamin (Jeremiah 1:1), Jeremiah is called to prophesyto a nation resisting the efforts of their King to reform.Following the discovery of a long forgotten scroll of laws found inthe temple, King Josiah calls his people to reject their idolatrouspractices and seek God again but they are slow to change theirways. Consequently, Jeremiah finds he must challenge the peoplewith the truth about their failings. He talks of destruction andexile to a nation reluctant to hear and seeks to encourage them torestore their covenant relationship of love, obedience and trustwith God.

God promises Jeremiah that the people will not overcome him andthat he will be protected throughout his ministry (Jeremiah 1:18-20) and chapter 11 is the firstof many occasions in which God's promises are fulfilled. Thepassage is essentially Jeremiah's realisation that God has warnedhim and saved him from a plot against his life.

Within Jeremiah's response we see two very distinct attitudes toGod. On the one hand he is quick to recognise God's protection inthe face of his own powerlessness (verses 18-19) and to realisethat God knows our private as well as our audible response to thatlove. He is quick to commit himself into God's care once again(verse 20). On the other hand there is a distinct desire onJeremiah's part to see his enemies avenged. This raises interestingquestions about the way we pray for situations and individuals thatwe perceive to be unjust.

To Ponder

How comfortable are we with the concept ofpraying for God's vengeance? Why?

How should we pray for those individuals we seeas exploitative and unjust?

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Next Page Sunday 27 March 2011