Saturday 10 October 2009

Bible Book:

"In that day the mountains shall drip sweet wine, the hills shall flow with milk, and all the stream beds of Judah shall flow with water." (v.16a)

Joel 3:12-21 Saturday 10 October 2009


The book of Joel balances declarations of God's judgement withpromises concerning the security of Judah and Jerusalem. Thispassage describes the protective care God will show to Judah andJerusalem: the nations will be judged, but Jerusalem and Judah willbe blessed, and the nations that threaten them will becomedesolate.

This passage indicates that God's judgement of God's people is notwithout grace. God protests their wrongdoing, but seeks theirrepentance and to bring blessings upon them. To encounter God'sjudgement is a fearful thing, as Joel1:13-15 showed, but abandonment by God would be far worse,and those who have faith in God will find themselves receivingGod's blessing.

It is hard to read verses concerning the security of Jerusalem andthe prophecy that strangers will never pass through it withoutreflecting on the current conflict between Jews and Palestinians.The question of who Jerusalem belongs to is a key question forthose seeking to negotiate peace. The fulfilment of the prophecythat Jerusalem will be holy and inhabited to all generations mustsurely be dependent on a just and peaceful settlement with respectto all peoples in the region.

To Ponder

How should we interpret God's promised blessingin a modern context?

Do Old Testament prophecies have a relationshipto modern questions concerning the state of Israel? How?

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