Saturday 24 February 2024

Bible Book:

But the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory. (v. 19b)

Isaiah 60:17-22 Saturday 24 February 2024

Psalm 92


Today's reading opens with stark examples of a pretty good upgrade. The people of Israel, rebuilding the Temple of Jerusalem, should expect, not bronze but gold, not iron but silver, not wood but bronze, and not stone but iron (v. 17). These superior valuable materials symbolise the physical abundance and great blessing that Jerusalem will enjoy in this prophecy of the rebuilt Temple. But it’s not just physical blessings they should expect – even the political governance of Jerusalem will be renewed. Instead of an overseer (or governor) ‘Peace’ will be appointed; instead of a taskmaster (or supervisor), ‘Righteousness’, for there will be no need of supervision since everyone will be doing right in the presence of God, their ruler.

In the presence of ‘Peace’ and ‘Righteousness’, there will be no violence or devastation, or destruction; the very character and nature of the city will be changed as the walls are called ‘Salvation’ and the gates are named ‘Praise’ (v. 18).  God’s presence will provide ‘everlasting light’ such that they will not need the light of the sun by day or the brightness of the moon by night (v. 19).  It is God’s glory that will be their light, and sorrow and mourning will be at an end (v. 20). 

This spiritual well-being will not be short-lived; the plan is that the righteous “shall possess the land forever” (v. 21). The time of the rebellion and sinfulness of the people is over. The time of exile is over. The time of returning and rebuilding is over. This vision of God’s righteous kingdom, with walls of ‘Salvation’ and gates of ‘Praise’, and the glory of the Lord giving light to the people is a vision to possess this land forever. For the message turns now from describing the changes in the city to describing the changes in the people, who will be righteous and possess the land forever. God has planted the seeds that will now grow, the shoots that need nurturing in this image of growth and permanence. For the least of the people will increase during this time of peace, the smallest family will become a clan and a mighty nation (v. 22). 

And God will be glorified (v. 21). 


To Ponder:

  • In the presence of ‘Peace’ and ‘Righteousness’, there will be no violence or destruction (vs 17-18). You might like to take some time to pray for God’s peace and righteousness to reign over the conflict in Israel and Gaza, and other conflicts around the world. 
  • What does it mean to you to live by the ‘everlasting light’ of God’s glory?
  • For the people of Israel, rebellion and sinfulness is over. Exile is over. The new way of life is a way of peace and righteousness, salvation and praise.  The Methodist Way of Life is to live out our calling in service (peace), learning and caring (righteousness), evangelism (salvation) and worship (praise). You might like to take some time to explore the Methodist Way of Life on the website  and reflect upon your own journey of faith.


God of peace, we give thanks for the light of Christ that shines in us, illuminating your kingdom of righteousness with walls of salvation and gates of praise. Help us to live our lives as citizens of your kingdom, that we might glorify your name forever. Amen. 

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