Saturday 28 January 2023

Bible Book:

The Lord roars from Zion, and utters his voice from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth shake. But the Lord is a refuge for his people, a stronghold for the people of Israel. (v. 16)

Joel 3:1-16 Saturday 28 January 2023

Psalm 126


The last chapter of Joel changes direction. Instead of lament as the theme, it switches to a twin theme of the coming judgement of all nations and the security of the people of God. This is a very different chapter.

The restoration is often seen in terms of a return from exile in Egypt for the Israelites and a re-occupation of the promised land. The judgement is for the treatment of the people of Israel and particularly the way they were scattered. This is a universal judgement on all nations (which is interesting in a week where we marked the Holocaust Memorial Day). Note that verses 4-8 where the Phoenicians and Philistines are singled out are thought to be later additions.

The Valley of Jehoshaphat in verses 2 and 12 is probably not named after a person. The name more likely comes from the meaning of Jehoshaphat as 'Yahweh has Judged', which with 'Valley of Decision'  in verse 14 are probably poetic ways of referring to a place where God’s judgement is to be executed.

Verses 9-10 suggest that the judgement will be in the form of warfare where the guilty will be defeated.

Verse 10 has a slightly different message to Isaiah 2:4 and Micah 4:3 but may simply be a common call to arms that is subverted in the other passages.

Following this section on coming judgment, the passage switches from verse 16 onwards to the sovereignty of God and what that means for his people (remembering that they too are subject to judgement as seen earlier in Joel).

The passage is hugely significant in contrast to the typical views of nations, when a nation knows itself to have been mistreated the typical responses are revenge and to strike back, to execute what is seen to be justice. Joel marks a different way. If judgement is to be executed by God and not the nation then there is a way out from a cycle of violence. If nations can surrender vengeance and leave justice to God then the cycle can end.


To Ponder:

  •  Are there relationships between nations where handing over judgement, justice, revenge to God could be freeing and hopeful? How could things change?
  • Is God on the side of your nation? Why? What does that mean for judgement and justice, and for you?


Sovereign God, we pray for strength and the courage to hand over to you our desires for judgement, revenge and justice between nations. May we find freedom and hope in letting go. Amen.


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