Saturday 29 March 2008

Bible Book:

"The LORD is my strength and my might, and he has become my salvation." (v.2)

Exodus 15:1-8 Saturday 29 March 2008


What a moment that must have been when the Israelites lookedback and saw the waters of the Red Sea rushing back and theirpursuers drowned. No one could drag them back to Egypt now. Nowonder Moses and the Israelites sang for joy.

Moments of great joy seem to bring out a need to sing. As a child,I remember at times hearing my mother singing the opening bars fromHandel's Hallelujah Chorus. I knew that in all probability she hadlost something, had now found it and was marking the moment with aburst of song.

So there you are, on the shore of the Red Sea, looking back towardsthe scene of your captivity. Freedom at last! What do you do? Doyou sing or are you perhaps a dancer? Do you clap your hands,whistle, cheer? All your celebrating is only possible because Godhas done marvellous things - God is the reason for your song.

Let me take you back to last Sunday - to the empty tomb. Look, hehas risen. Jesus is alive.

God can always be trusted. We have seen that throughout history.God always goes ahead of you. The Lord is your strength and songand your salvation and is worth dedicating your life to. Now isn'tthat something worth rejoicing about?

To Ponder

How might you tell someone today that you have aGod who is worth rejoicing about?

Show some sign, now, how greatly you rejoice inGod - for the truth is that God delights in you.

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